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Industrial Fallout – Not Your Mother’s Overspray

Fallout is far too common than you might think. In fact, if you have a light colored car, more than likely you have seen fallout after you have washed your car. You know, those brown little specs that look like rust.

What is it?

Fallout in most cases is simply rail dust (small air borne metal particles) that get kicked into the air from a rail train’s vortex or vehicle brake linings. When it lands on your vehicle it still is dust by definition but if your car is dirty it will stay on the surface until the car is washed. It is now when the fallout adversely affects your vehicle’s surface. If the fallout is left on the car with an overnight rain or if a considerable amount of dew takes place; the metal particle begins to rust on top of the painted surface. Rust is a chemical reaction between the metal and the moisture. Now the metal particle, if magnified, looks like a jagged kidney stone that will embed itself into the painted surface.

Causes – What to stay away from

Industrial fallout and rail dust can occur just about anywhere. Here are some suggested areas to avoid when parking your pride and joy. Airport parking lots, parking lots adjacent to freeways or railways and lastly shipyards.

How to remove it permanently

A common misnomer is to treat this as paint over spray and utilize a clay bar to remove the fallout. STOP!!!!! This will only break off the top half of the rust particle and leave the metal still embedded in the paint surface. Upon it getting wet again, the fallout will return and you’ll have an unhappy customer.

Industrial fallout must be removed with an acid wash to the painted surfaces. Aggghhh sounds scary! Not really, in fact this process takes less than 15 minutes and will not harm any surface of the vehicle. After the acid wash the vehicle must be neutralized with an alkaloid wash. That’s it, no excessive rubbing or polishing is required.

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